How to sit on NOOGi chair
1. Leaning position
1) Place your sit-bones on the sit-bone spots of the seats
2) Move the sections of the seat back when you lean on the back
* You may change the position of your sit-bones depending on your body shape
* You must move your pelvis back when you lean on
2. Forwarding position
1) Place your sit-bones a bit forward from the
sit-bone spots
2) The sections of the seat would be going up
when your pelvis moves forward
3) Naturally, your back is straight with less tension on your
back muscles
* If the sections of the seat are flat, and do not rotate,
(It means that it’s not working well. Try again)
* Your pelvis has to move forward to the tights
Avoid wrong postures
The worst sitting posture that people usually set in a chair is to sit on their buttock or tailbone. It will severely bend from the lumbar to the cervical spine. Set the hip plates to go down backward rather than forward to correct your leaning posture.
Your lumbar will be bent unless you sit properly, and it will affect the health of your spine negatively. Please keep the hip plates go down when you lean on the back.
When sitting, you need to check that there are no gaps between the back plate and your lumbar.
If you are conscious of trying to straighten your back too much, the arch of your back will become excessive. Then, the erector muscle as well as the spinal disc get highly pressured, and it causes back pains.
When you straighten your back on the seat plates that are flat, not tilting backward or forward, the erector muscles tense up. Over time, people with weak core strength will bend the lumbar spine. However, you adjust your posture better when the seat plates work properly.