- #1 GOOD DESIGN award (Australia & Korea)
- #2 International invention awarded
- #3 KOSME 10 in 2020, Global KOSME 2 IN 2021
- #4 NOOGI official launching
- #5 Sales channel in 2022 (GETTT, OHAUS)
- #6 Trizoi renewal & New model launching
- #7 NOOGI's logo story
- #8 London Tech Week participation
- #9 Participation at THE MAISON of Seoul
- #10 Participation at MAISON & OBJET
- #11 EDA, Ergonomic Design Award
- #12 Participation at DESIGN KOREA 2022
- #13 LONDON The Business Show 2022
- #14 Global Accelerating Program in UK
- #15 Songpa-gu Grants Project
- #16 Participation at Tokyo Gift Show
- #17 Hyundai Pop-Up Store
- #18 Best Company Award & Size Korea Result
- #19 HYU holding Attraction to Investment
- #20 Project with Handong University
- #21 CGV Premium Cinema
- #22 Participation at Maison Object 2023
NOOGI achieved 2022 Ergonomic Design
Award (EDA)
This is the 22nd Ergonomic Design Award
held by the Ergonomics Society of Korea (ESK.)
This award is given to the best domestic
and foreign products with excellent ergonomic design. ESK evaluated and selected
products based on a consumer's point of view,
the convenience of use, efficiency, functionality, sensitivity, quality, stability, and so on.

NOOGI achieved a special award by Tritzoi
among big firms such as Samsung and LG.

Scheduled to participate in
DESGIN KOREA in November 2022
The theme of Design Korea 2022 is
“Prediction of trends 2023.”
Since all trend is deeply connected with past, present,
and future, we can imagine what kind of trends
we will face in 2023 through this design exhibition.
There are 4 different trend sections in this exhibition; lifestyle,
technology, colors, and future NOOGI will showcase
Tritzoi_light that released at Maison & Objet Paris 2022.
It is our new concept of Tritzoi; colorful, metal, and modern.